Friday, February 10, 1984

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate, 10th February 1984, Starke, Florida

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate in Starke, Florida, 10th February 1984. Note: This scan is from a photocopy of the original letter, with the original envelope attached.  Don't remember why I photocopied the original letter and didn't keep the original, it probably was damaged at some point (back in my younger days I had a habit of photocopying items of interest to me and kept them separate from the originals, to try to mitigate and/or avoid total loss. A good habit, as many of these letters from Dan Routly have been severely damaged - including this photocopy).

 February 10, 1984
Hi - I appreciate hearing from you - I received your letter, tonight. You sound interesting, and ... being that I have Italian blood in me, also, this look's to be correspondence of special interest. Actually, my family (mother & father) were the one's who broke the blood-lines, in each family. My mother & her entire family are Italian's. While, my father & his entire family are English - (he died in 1978). But, I tend to hold more interest/respect, for the Italian qualities in life. My grand-parent's are from Italy, while my mother was born in the U.S.
I'm, originally, from Michigan. I came down here, to Florida, in 1978 - went to Brooksville/Tampa, then down to St. Petersburg, over to Miami Beach/Hollywood/Ft. Lauderdale. Then ... up to Ft. Pierce, Daytona & Ocala. Best times were Ft. Lauderdale - (in the daytime) - and Hollywood/Miami Beach - (at nite), least as far as I saw.
(over -)
I like to swim, but ... I don't really like the ocean's - (I never got use to the salt-water) - but ... I do like lakes, and camping out. I like the wood's. I miss the beach - (I'd like to get tanned!) I shoot pool, too - (are you good - or - just plain mean with a stick?)
I got the name Stud, when I was involved with a club - (motorcycle), up north. What it was about, was that I'd just split-up with this woman I cared a great deal for & when I attended club meeting's/practices, I'd bring different women, at different times. It was just that I didn't feel I could handle a serious relationship, with one woman - so ... I dated different women, with no commitment involved. Each woman understood - but ... the club members took it differently & handed me the name. So ... I kept it - 'cause ... I still haven't found my "special lady" for life. (Besides ... sometimes it's enjoyable living up to the name)
Waiting to hear from you
Take care
P.S. Can you send some photo's of yourself?

Letter from Dan E. Routly, Florida Death Row Inmate, postmarked in Jacksonville, Florida February 1984

1 comment:

  1. yep. thats Dan's writing alright. 1984? I met him in 94,moved to Florida from Pittsburgh. we married in 95. Sadly he died of cancer in August 1999. A lifetime ago.
