Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Since I am using the date of creation/acquisition as my posting date on each item as I post it, it makes it a bit cumbersome for you, dear Readers, to find the latest posts. Therefore, I'm going to list here a brief description of whatever I've posted plus how to find it, as I post new items.

30th December 2011: Finished posting all academic papers written after 2001.  Click Academic Papers tag to find these items.
2nd January 2012: Assorted postcards from my travels posted, click the Letters tag to find these, or search on Postcard.
3rd January 2012: Diary entries, postcards, souvenirs from Haiti. Click the Haiti tag to find these items.
4th January 2012: Assorted items from the time I was in Germany. Click the Germany tag to find these items.
5th -8th January 2012: Have begun to post the Death Row series of letters from former Florida death row inmate Dan Routly.  Click the Death Row tag to find these letters.  Will finish posting them in the next day or two.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Busting the Myth: The Use and Misuse of Myth in Historical Philosophy (Senior Thesis)

Unfortunately, my Senior Thesis is too big to post as text on Blogger! While I prefer to post the text versions of my documents here (with links to the scanned originals for legacy's sake), this document, one I am very proud of and that was very highly received, I can only embedd through Scribd.

This paper was written as my Senior Thesis for the Bachelor's of Arts in Philosophy Degree at the University of Colorado - Colorado Springs. It was presented to the Faculty on the 30th of April, 2007, and successfully defended. It was also selected to be presented at a state-wide symposium and was very well received.

Busting the Myth - Laura DiFiore

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Admonitions of Ipuwer: Lamenting Progress

In the Admonitions of Ipuwer, the author paints a bleak portrait of massive social disruption and change occurring in ancient Egypt. The text, found on Papyrus Leiden 344, dates to approximately 1300BCE, and is believed to be a later copy of an earlier work.[1] It is generally believed by current scholars that Ipuwer does not deal with specific actual historical events, as often argued in the past, but is instead more of a literary work on the theme of “national distress”[2] A close reading of Ipuwer, however, provides tantalizing hints at a society that has indeed experienced significant social change, regardless of the specific historical details, and should be read more as a work of social commentary over that of a strict historical or literary reading.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Flushed Away: Water Conservation and Buddhist Philosophy

After four weeks (in the Outback), we’ve reached Cooper Pedy and I never thought I’d be so happy to see civilization in my life! Although it’s a stretch to call this civilization…everything is so run down and dusty, but it’s cool how the buildings are 3/4th buried. We got out of the Jeep and bought fresh bottles of water at a corner store – nearly $5.00 for a liter! – but never has anything tasted so good! We were standing outside laughing as we drank, and for some reason, I splashed some of my water at Mike. This woman walked out of the store just as I did so, with a little boy holding her hand, and she looked at me horrified, shouting “What are you doing? That’s precious drinking water!” I mean, after four weeks of living on three liters of water a day per person I know damn well how precious drinking water, especially ice-cold, fresh, unboiled and unsterilized water is, but sheesh! To get all bent out of shape over a small splash! I think that was over the top for her… but still… somehow, I feel, um, I don’t know… ashamed.
Personal Diary Entry, December 2, 1993[1]
Australians, especially Aboriginal Australians, understand the significance of water in a way the average American may never know. Their understanding of water’s importance to life, much less the frailty of the earth’s still-abundant water supply, along with their attitude of preciousness towards water is distinctly Buddhist, although it is unlikely they would ever claim it as a Buddhist viewpoint. More likely, Australians would say they are simply being smart and pragmatic. From ultra-low-flow toilets to grey-water recycling, Australians use technology in simple and ingenious ways to best use and preserve their limited water supply. While their reasoning may be simple survival, their attitude and outlook towards water is not only distinctly Buddhist, it is one that should be emulated by Americans, if not all of the world.

Does He or Doesn’t He?

Sextus Empiricus, a physician and Skeptic philosopher (c. AD 200) created a rather lengthy argument against the arguments for the existence of god(s) that, despite his stated belief that god exists, is intended to neither prove nor disprove the existence of god(s), but is instead intended to point out the problems inherent in other philosophical school’s logical reasoning for the existence of god(s). While the argument against the dogmatists’ arguments is craftily worded to avoid contemporary criticism, much less make an affirmative statement one way or the other, Sextus creates a very strong argument for the non-existence of god(s), while conflicting with the Skeptic goal of freedom from disturbance and avoidance of dogmatism.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Elucidating Electra

Within the myth of Electra, multiple elements of virtually all theoretical approaches to mythology are found. The various incarnations of the Electra myth generally go like this: Agamemnon marries Clytemnestra and together they have three children: Iphigenia, Electra, and Orestes. Agamemnon goes off to fight in the Trojan War; he and his men get stuck – the wind won’t blow so their ships won’t sail – so he sacrifices his daughter, Iphigenia, as restitution for killing a stag sacred to Artemis. Clytemnestra is so angry at her husband for killing her daughter that she takes up with another man (Aegisthus) and, upon Agamemnon’s return, murders him. The murder of the father angers Orestes and especially Electra. The god Apollo orders Orestes to avenge his father’s death by killing his mother and stepfather, which he does so with the help of Electra. In summary: father kills daughter, wife kills husband, son kills step-father and mother. While the psychological approach seems to apply most fully, to gain the fullest possible understanding and appreciation for this (or any other) myth, one must approach it from multiple perspectives.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Exploring Death in Epictetus

Epictetus’ teachings provide significant amounts of clear, easy-to-understand practical advice on living day-to-day life. One of the strengths of Epictetus’ teachings is in dealing with suffering, pain, hardships and other negatives of live. Epictetus views the various sufferings of one’s body as something to be viewed as outside of our control; in fact, one is to carry one’s pain with equanimity. For Epictetus, death is not to be feared, as it is inevitable. Epictetus also views suicide and euthanasia [1] to end unendurable suffering as acceptable and good. Throughout his teachings, Epictetus provides many logical foundations to help his followers endure suffering with equanimity, especially when facing death. However, despite his belief in the existence of god, Epictetus does not provide for any sort of rebirth or afterlife. In a philosophy heavy on providing people with the means to face the hardships of life with a certain level of comfort, the lack of an afterlife to provide hope and comfort to both the dying and their survivors is a serious weakness.