In “About Men,” Gretel Ehrlich finds the stereotype of cowboys too simplistic. According to Ehrlich, the popular image of cowboys of being tough and quiet – almost loners – is far from their reality and a disservice. Ehrlich finds the simplistic, popular image of cowboys, and to a lesser extent men in general, reduces the complex duality of their natures to mere cardboard characters. Ehrlich further states that the job of a cowboy is far more complex then the movies depict, that it is a job often tough on the body and heart, one with long hours and little pay. Not only are they “convivial, quirky, and softhearted,” Ehrlich states their lifestyle requires they be “midwives, hunters, nurturers, providers, and conservationists all at once” (Ehrlich 252-253). For Ehrlich, the unsophisticated, one-dimensional stereotype is a disservice to cowboys at large and men in general.
Written for Professor Sutter's English Composition I class at Pikes Peak Community College, 4th February 2004.
Update November 18, 2015: The above work was recently quoted in a young man's high school AP English paper. He forgot to properly quote and cite it. It wasn't intentional plagiarism, just a simple mistake, for which he has since genuinely apologized for. He panicked, thinking if my original work above was no longer online, he would not get in trouble, so he reported this post as a DMCA violation so it would get taken down. Which, of course, is overreacting :) The original post has since been reinstated and the DMCA claim rescinded, more apologies made and accepted.
Update June 22, 2017: LOL! It happened again! A student (this time in a community college) copied my summary above in its entirety for a course assignment. When the professor failed his paper after it was flagged by the college's plagiarism checker, the student claimed my post - which dates to 2004 lol - was a copy of HIS work, and filed a DMCA claim against me! Needless to say, an administrator at the community college and myself had a very interesting chat that eventually involved this student, appropriate apologies from the student, the DMCA claim rescinded and my original post above reinstated, yet again.
Students, remember, whenever you use the internet to research for your papers to always properly quote and cite them! I also recommend checking your papers at or or any other online plagiarism checker to make sure you didn't forget to properly quote or cite something!
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