Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Redemption: The Ultimate Prize - Freedom

In the Fall semester of 2006 at the University of Colorado - Colorado Springs, I enrolled in a class entitled "History of TV Programming." In this class, which was surprisingly academic, we learned about TV scheduling, budgeting, programming, contracts, market research, and audience appeal, along with other related information.

There was a number of assignments and practicals we had to accomplish in the class, but one project really stood out: We had to invent a new television show and "pitch" it to the class as if we were pitching a show idea to a real television network. This was a group project, which I and my fellow classmates, DeEtte Atwood and Aaron Muncy, decided to work on together.

After much debate, we choose to jump on the "reality show" bandwagon and invented a show called Redemption, where convicted criminals compete for full pardons. Needless to say, our show idea garnered the most heated debates of all the invented TV show ideas.

Below is posted the PowerPoint presentation we created to pitch Redemption. Please note that other than our imaginably selected host, "Dog the Bounty Hunter," whose name and image is used solely for academic purposes, all names and backgrounds are fictitious and products of our imaginations.

Redemption: The Ultimate Prize - Freedom!