Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hammurabi to Hebrew to Here: Religious Influence on Laws

Much of any society’s view of law and justice is strongly influenced by their mainstream religious worldview. Regardless of how secular the style of a law code is, the concepts and philosophies behind any particular law code have strong roots in a culture’s religious worldview. The religious worldview of ancient Hebrews is clearly demonstrated in the Covenant Code found in Exodus, and was a major departure from the common law codes active at the time, an influence that persists in modern day laws.

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Hebrew Influence on Modern Laws

Much of any society’s view of law and justice is strongly influenced by their mainstream religious worldview. Regardless of how secular the style of a law code is, the concepts and philosophies behind any particular law code has strong roots in a culture’s religious worldview. The laws of some cultures, especially Islamic countries, have obvious religious roots, while others view their laws as strictly secular. In the United States, while priding ourselves on a strongly secular code of law, it is popularly recognized that the origins of much of our law is Christian, but in fact the roots are far more Hebrew/Jewish than Christian.