Friday, March 16, 1984

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate, 16th March 1984, Starke, Florida

March 16, 1984
Dear Laura,
Hi, I received your letter's, (one, last nite & one, tonite). The one I got, tonite, must have flew here 'cause it was written yesterday! Glad, though ... no doubt about that! Receiving these perfumed letter's, get my head reeling and spinning! Damn - they smell good!! Hope that your (cut) foot is healing up, and not becoming a burden on your getting about. Can't be too great a feeling having it re-open and dug-out - right?
They haven't painted, this cell, yet. They're over on the other side, painting - and won't be around here, 'til ... (?) - They are going to move me into another cell, while they paint this one, (when-ever they get around to it), then ... move me back the following day.
Yeah, I know ... that was a annoying time/look, when that (zeroxed) picture was taken. I, should, get some pictures taken, maybe the end

of this month, or ... the first of April - then ... you can see how I look, minus the hair and beard.
What happened with that small claim's court ordeal?

Let me know, okay? What's wrong with the guy, (who's pursuing the matter)? He, just don't like you, or what? Sounds like a jerk -
You'd written that you were going into graphic art's - that's the only art class I ever took! I did design work, silk-screening and layout work for advertisement's! This is ironic - knowing that you're interested in the same sort of art's! It was my last year of high school, when I took that course (I had drafting, too). I got offered a job, but never went for it, cause I was interested in mechanic's. But ... I was pretty good, with the silk screening & design work. I had a lay-out used for the senior year-book cover - (they took it, without my permission, and used their own color's) - pissed me off! The instructor gave it to 'em!!

No - I don't really have alot of patience, dealing with this confinement - it's more like endurance, but ... I , often, wonder where it comes from! No, I'm not patient, about waiting on the court & the appeal's - I

just hold on to what wit's I can identify and try to find mean's to wait. It's not easy, really - just ... not too much of a choice. I don't want it to destroy my mind or my belief's in myself and life - so ... I endure. Hopefully - I agree, you won't have to find out, what it's like, (I don't believe you will).
(I'm smiling - ) - reading how you responded to my asking you for some pictures of ... you. I'll be looking forward to "discovering" (er, uh ... receiving) your sizes - er, I mean, size - (am I getting in trouble?) I realize that you probably try on suit's (one piece, or bikini?) to see which fit's you, best - right? I do want to buy you one, Laura - so, if you are able to send your size, that would enable me to have that information, (should you permit me to order you "other" item's, also). But ... if you want to be sure, on

the suit, you can tell me about what a nice one will run & I can send you a check & you can get one that you, personally pick out - (which-ever you think would be

the best way to obtain it) - okay? 'Cause ... the check will take 1-2 week's to get removed from my account, here, and sent to you - (and, the same length to send it to a company - only ... it'd take additional time, in having it mailed - the suit) - know what I mean? Can you pick one up, near whee you are (Tallahassee) - ? I do want your sizes, either way you decide on the swim suit matter, 'cause... I'd like to convince you into, also, allowing me to periodically, end you some other "outfit's", or ... whatever - okay? I asked "eloquently" huh? Well ... can't beat that - right? Yeah, well ... you're a beautiful lady & I got the feeling your pretty sexy, too - so ... having pictures of you, and receiving your letter's, then ... sleeping with your perfumes dancing beneath my head, from within my pillow each nite ... definitely would

keep me going! And ... no doubt, you make me feel pretty damn good!
In time, there may be a case or two I could ask you to check on. I'm waiting on some research work, right now -

when that comes about, I will probably need to check on some cases, in preparation for the Federal Court. (This is, in case I don't get any action from the U.S. Supreme Court.) What I'm looking for, on this research work, is covering (Florida) law, on decision's being over-turned, when evidence was obtained on one degree-charge, then ... used on another degree, (of the same charge). It's a confusing situation, but ... it is unlawful - this much I know. What I'm seeking, are cases, where previous situation's arouse. (But ... everyone, including legal personnel, here, claim's they can't recall a similar case!) So ... it'd be great if the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear it! The law is clear, but ... the error is causing my continued confinement - (you know why I "endure," instead of exercise "patience" - now?) Thank's for offering on the law school computer - I may take you up on that.

Also, thank's for letting me know that the letter's are remaining sealed.
Well, I've got to straighten things up in here, before they shut the lites out - so ... I'm gone - for now - 
Take special care

Monday, March 12, 1984

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate, 12th March, 1984, Starke, Florida

March 12, 1984
Dear Laura,
Hi, got your letter, tonite, am glad to hear from you. It sound's like you had a good time, down in Ft. Lauderdale - (outside of your bathing suit accident). Might have been interesting, to see, though... You really do seem to express your love for the ocean. I've only gone into the ocean, once, and it just didn't seem right, to me. (I swim under water, alot). I like to swim under, rather than above & that salt water just didn't act right, on my eyes. I probably just needed goggles, or something, but ...
Did you get your suit replaced? I'd like to get you one, if you'd let me? Of course I'll want pictures of you, in it, if you agree. (I'll pay for the film, too!) Sound's like I want 'em pretty badly - huh? (What can I say?) I'd like it to

be (kind-of) a surprise. So... if you just tell me your size, and type you prefer - then ... I can have it ordered & sent to you - okay? I'd really like to do this for you - please? I'd like to do something for you! (okay?)
Oh, the lawyer I have, (from Florida) is doing this round of appeal's on his own - (he's not charging me). So... I can't really tell him to pack his fucking case and pedal it somewhere else, know what I mean? After this round, he'll be gone, anyway - (and, seriously, Laura, I think I'm taking some tension out on him, too). So ... he's not all that great - I know - but ... it's all I've got right now. I'm just hoping that the idiot will get some favorable results's with this U.S. Supreme Court appeal - or ...

I'm gonna be in alot of real trouble, here! I think he's acting pretty decent, though, 'cause ... he's, (finally) directed his attention around the issue I've been trying to get him to work on, for the past two (2) year's. (I should get a copy of the brief, this week - so... I'll know what type of a job he did, then.)
I tell you, Laura, you talk about your hair and I about fall over! It's so beautiful and I know that it depend's on the woman, but ... don't you ever get that hair cut short - okay!? When my hair would get down to the middle of my back, I'd usually wear it in one braid. I'd get it layered, but ... when I did, it'd start wavying and curling up, it got tangled alot, too. I don't like this short hair, but ... it doesn't "bother" me, like it use to.
Nope ... we're not allowed to
do too much, of anything, here. They keep the peace pretty tight, and ther's not a whole lot of movement. They open the incoming mail, but it's women guard's who do that & they're just looking for contraband item's (they don't read the mail). Really... I'm not "suppose" to seal my out-going mail - but ... I do.
You sound a little radical at times, but ... nothing wrong with that. I could get going on my way's of thinking, (about the system, etc., etc.) and you may then, think I was sounding "strange").
Well... gonna try to get this out, tonite - so ... I better (leave? unsure) off & get your envelope ready.
(Thank's for the information on your perfume - I'll remember it!) It smell's good, it'd be hard to forget!
Take special care -