Thursday, December 9, 2004

Near-Earth Asteroids

The majority of asteroids within our solar system reside in the Asteroid Belt, orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter. A large number of asteroid groupings, however, have their orbits elsewhere. This includes the Trojan asteroids, which orbit the sun in the Lagrangian points of Jupiter’s orbit; the Apollo asteroids, which cross Earth’s orbit; the Amor asteroids, which cross Mar’s orbit, and the Aten asteroids, which cross Venus’s orbit and approach from within Earth’s orbit (JPL). Vulcanoids have aphelia completely within the orbits of Mars or Venus, but as of this date no confirmed Vulcanoid asteroids have been found ( Alindas are in a 1:3 orbital resonance with Jupiter, resulting in a 1:4 orbital resonance with Earth. Most Alindas, due to their highly eccentric orbits and orbital resonance, pass near the inner planets (especially Earth) every 4 years ( Many but not all Alindas are also considered Atens.