Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Flat-Rate Tax Flies

There are various different flat-rate income tax plans floating around, in the form of bills, candidate platforms, and public interest group stances, amongst others. The plans vary from a “strict” flat-rate income tax on all earned income - both personal and business - to plans that have flat rates for businesses but varying rates on earned income. There are also proposals for replacing all income tax with a consumption tax (also known as a national sales tax). The most common and feasible proposal is changing the current multi-tiered income tax system of increasing tax rates tied to increasing income (known as a progressive tax rate system) to one tax rate for all individuals, regardless of income.

Monday, April 5, 2004


"What happened?"

"Kashley, don't be rude!" her father says, scolding.

"It's OK, Trey." I look into her six-year-old eyes, this little blond beauty I have loved for four incredible years. She is not my daughter, but, like her father, she is my closest friend. The friendship between us confuses outsiders, but has a closer-than-family feeling to us.

I realize with surprise that neither she, nor her father, ever asked me about the scars on my face before. But Kashley is six now, with more than the usual amount of curiosity that comes with this age. I should have known that she, like many before her, would eventually ask.

"When I was four years old, I did something very stupid and hurt myself."

Tennyson’s Ulysses

Lord Alfred Tennyson’s “Ulysses” is a lyrical continuation of the quest and life of Homer’s Odysseus. Starting shortly after Ulysses (Odysseus) returns home, “Ulysses” relates the difficulties experienced in adjusting to domestic life, his sheer boredom with the duties of being king, and his hunger for more travel and adventure. “Ulysses” explores the concept of the quest and the meaning of a life worth living, especially a life worth living for a man who had already lived life beyond the norm. Through “Ulysses,” Tennyson demonstrates that the quest is more than just an adventure: it is living life fully.