Wednesday, February 29, 1984

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate, 29th February, 1984, Starke, Florida

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate in Starke, Florida, 29th February 1984. Note: Transcription below each page, some pages didn't fully fit on scanner so the bottoms of those pages are separate scans and the transcription continues from where the prior page's scan cut off.

Feb. 29, 1984 (1:53 a.m.)
Dear Laura,
Hi, received your letter and am staying up, waiting on the movie that comes on at 3 o'clock, so... figured I'd do some writing to you, so I can mail this out this week. First of all, let me tell you, I really like how your letter's smell - I love it! (I'm thinking about putting them in my pillow!) (smile doodle)
Not too much has been going on, here, I've been expecting these people to come around with the paint, to paint this cell. I've had my stuff put away but... I put it back out 'cause they haven't showed up. I got a letter, from the Michicgan lawyer (not too good) - but ... it's because of the Florida lawyer that I'm a bit irate, presently. I need to write him, 'cause he's telling me one thing & doing something completely different. That's not gonna get it, with me! He's got to get right, or get off the case. I can't aford him acting like he is 

I was going to write him today - but ... I'm gonna have to cool down, before I approach him. I've gotten him made before & he takes it out on my case! And... I definitely, don't need that! (smile doodle) 
You're a video games freak, too, huh? I'm not too good, with the electronic ones, but ... I get off on the pin-ball set-ups!
I'd like to see you, with your hair down past your knee's - I really like a woman with long hair, your's is great, the length it is, it's beautiful. But... if I saw you with hair down past your knees, I'd probably fall-out, where-ever I was - 'cause, it's a real weakness I have - a woman's hair. (That's a secret confession!) (smile doodle) (I like long hair, myself, on me, I just think that if a person can take care of it - it's okay to have.) But ... a woman, it's natural & beauty, and style only add's to her beauty!

This is the newspaper photo-copy I got zeroxed, here. Hope that you can get an idea, from it - til I can get one taken, here. (Though... I'm not allowed to have the beard or length in hair due to regulation's). (smile doodle) (This was taken during the "face the verdict" - at the trial). My youngest sister might come see me, so I could get you some pictures, then - (plus, I'm still trying to talk this counselor into getting it approved, to get pictures taken outside of the visiting area) - so ... I'll keep working, 'til I do get something worked out - okay?
You'd have to be priorly approved on my visiting list, before you could "come by & say hi" - (that's more, regulation's). I've been in here, since November '80, after a 12/79 arrest. Don't know when I'm getting out it depend's on the up-coming rehearing motion. I try to keep busy, (true... it sometimes does get boring - that's when I don't like to talk to anyone - 'cause I'll get real frustrated, with tension). But I can always find something to read

(continuation from bottom of above page due to scanner issue)
I've been thinking about doing some painting. I'm not real good - but ... it does occupy time. Sometimes I'll get wrapped-up in legal writing/reading and ... that'll take day's of time. There
way's to keep busy if a person want's to.  When they stop caring, (especially about themself, if they don't have someone to care about) then I've seen guys go & kill themself. Some "just" go crazy. My mind doesn't think with weakness though, so... I endure, a bit better now, since writing you. (smile doodle) I appreciate hearing about your activities at school, as well as with your family. It mean's a great deal, to sit and ponder about an active life, beyond the surroundings I see, daily - know what I mean? Truthfully, I'd shut myself off, from communicating, for over a year, and am really glad I sought to change that self-isolation, and come to write and receive your letter's. What amazes me, is that you hvae time for writing, beyond your
(continuation from bottom of above page due to scanner issue)
school studies. And ... you make me smile (smile doodle) and feel good!
Please don't ever doubt that I highly respect your time & coming to know you.
Gotta go - for now -
Take special care -
Letter from Dan E. Routly, Florida Death Row Inmate, postmarked in Jacksonville, Florida on 1st March 1984

Wednesday, February 15, 1984

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate, 15th February, 1984, Starke, Florida

Feb. 15, 1984
Dear Laura,
Hi, I'd gone out to the unit-room, to talk with another guy here, and found your letter waiting for me, when I got back. I was glad to hear from you - and your photo reveals that you really are a beautiful lady. I like your hair, a lot! It look's thick, and it's real nice & long! Is it still this length? Now... to get a look at the rest of you. Think that'd be possible, Laura? You must have a nice body, to go along with the beauty you've allowed me to see tonight - correct? Damn! You're a looker!
You were in Ft. Lauderdale as a lifeguard, in 1979? If so... it's my misfortune that I didn't see you - 'cause I use to cruise the beach-front, in '79, while I was staying down there. Guess it would be useless to ponder over it. I did some looking - but ... wasn't looking for anything special. I never was on the beach, in Ft. Lauderdale, except at nite, a few times. Did you know all the 

cop's who were patrolling the beach area? There was this one cop - (can't remember his name - "Stevenson" I think) he was an older cop -
he pulled me over, just to look at my bike, (scared me!) He turned out to be into bikes & he, later, sold me a rear fender, (after I'd been rammed into, a couple week's later.) You know where that camp-ground is, along I-95, by the airport & that grand prix racing/video building/track is?* (The campground with that small "lake" - not the KOA) - Anyway ... that's where I stayed, when in Ft. Lauderdale.
You have nice skin coloring and tone, you know that? (I like your dimples, too!)
Does your pool stick (threat? unreadable) mean that you can become a rowdy lady?
Motorcycles were part of my life, way before I'd been with a club - (and, prior to my life which lead up to the nickname.) I'd been with a club, since, I was 16 - (with a 441 B.S.A.). Have you ever been to a club-house, or partied with any biker's?

 Kathy,** I don't have any pictures right now, of myself. I wrote some people to see if they can locate my photo album's, that I had on the

street. If I have luck with that, I'll send you some, from there. Also, the counselor, here, is suppose to be making a request about amending regulation's that prevent inmates from having pictures taken, (outside of the visiting room.) I don't get visitors so... I'm gonna have to file a grievance to get some taken. I will, let you know, as soon as I do - okay? (Oh, I might be able to get you a newspaper photo-copy - from the trial -?) Though... I don't have the hair/beard I did - ('cause regulation's prevent it). I have brown hair, wavy when it grows & with brown eyes. I'm clean shaven, now, also. I comb my hair back, with a slight part toward the middle - it's short, but neat. My birth date is June 12th, (1955).
Yes, I was married, in 1973, and I was divorced, in 1977 (sometimes). I have one son, by that marriage (Mark Edward), he'll be 10 year's old, this July 10th. I have no contact with him.

 Your typing service*** must be keeping you real busy, if it's enough to pay your way through school! Continued good luck!
Well...I'm gonna have to bring
this to a close, so that I can get it mailed out tonight.
I really appreciate hearing from you - and, I look forward to hearing from you, when time is made available.
Take special care -

Commentary, 7th January, 2012: 
* Oddly enough, the video game parlor/race track he refers to here at one point became, I believe, the largest video game parlor in the country - they built it up greatly in the late 1970s/early 1980s as video games became really hot - it looked like a giant castle.  I spent many, many, many hours here as a teenager, avoiding the reality of my home life which had become quite complicated with my parent's divorce.  I can't tell you how many times I snuck out to go to this place, how many hundreds if not thousands of quarters I dropped into games here.  For a long time, I had the highest score on Galaxian... was devastated when it got erased due to a power outage!
** I have no clue why he refers to me as "Kathy" here - at the time I ended up assuming he must be writing to other people and got me confused with someone else.
*** When I moved to Tallahassee, Florida, to attend Florida State University, I was barely 18 years old and while I did have some work experience, I had absolutely no luck finding a job.  It was 1983, and the economy was struggling some regardless - being 18 years old in a town flooded with the annual arrival of thousands of students made it even more difficult to find a job.  So I started taking in typing work - I typed other student's papers for $1.00 a page.  On a manual typewriter at first - after a while I had so much work I was able to purchase a Smith Corona electric typewriter with the cartridge ribbon system - loved that typewriter! - then moved up to a used IBM Selectric with the ball that had all the letters on it in the middle - oh my, that typewriter was the most awesome ever!  I had so much typing work that it interfered with my ability to do my own papers, truth be told! My typing skill got so good, I eventually landed a job as a "typesetter" at a local newspaper, The Florida Flambeau, which I  eventually left for the Tallahassee Democrat, which I left after several years to move to Washington, DC, where I landed a position as a "photocomposition specialist" at U.S. News and World Report Magazine - three years later I left Washington, DC to travel Europe with a bicycle and a backpack! 

Friday, February 10, 1984

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate, 10th February 1984, Starke, Florida

Letter from Dan Routly, Death Row Inmate in Starke, Florida, 10th February 1984. Note: This scan is from a photocopy of the original letter, with the original envelope attached.  Don't remember why I photocopied the original letter and didn't keep the original, it probably was damaged at some point (back in my younger days I had a habit of photocopying items of interest to me and kept them separate from the originals, to try to mitigate and/or avoid total loss. A good habit, as many of these letters from Dan Routly have been severely damaged - including this photocopy).

 February 10, 1984
Hi - I appreciate hearing from you - I received your letter, tonight. You sound interesting, and ... being that I have Italian blood in me, also, this look's to be correspondence of special interest. Actually, my family (mother & father) were the one's who broke the blood-lines, in each family. My mother & her entire family are Italian's. While, my father & his entire family are English - (he died in 1978). But, I tend to hold more interest/respect, for the Italian qualities in life. My grand-parent's are from Italy, while my mother was born in the U.S.
I'm, originally, from Michigan. I came down here, to Florida, in 1978 - went to Brooksville/Tampa, then down to St. Petersburg, over to Miami Beach/Hollywood/Ft. Lauderdale. Then ... up to Ft. Pierce, Daytona & Ocala. Best times were Ft. Lauderdale - (in the daytime) - and Hollywood/Miami Beach - (at nite), least as far as I saw.
(over -)
I like to swim, but ... I don't really like the ocean's - (I never got use to the salt-water) - but ... I do like lakes, and camping out. I like the wood's. I miss the beach - (I'd like to get tanned!) I shoot pool, too - (are you good - or - just plain mean with a stick?)
I got the name Stud, when I was involved with a club - (motorcycle), up north. What it was about, was that I'd just split-up with this woman I cared a great deal for & when I attended club meeting's/practices, I'd bring different women, at different times. It was just that I didn't feel I could handle a serious relationship, with one woman - so ... I dated different women, with no commitment involved. Each woman understood - but ... the club members took it differently & handed me the name. So ... I kept it - 'cause ... I still haven't found my "special lady" for life. (Besides ... sometimes it's enjoyable living up to the name)
Waiting to hear from you
Take care
P.S. Can you send some photo's of yourself?

Letter from Dan E. Routly, Florida Death Row Inmate, postmarked in Jacksonville, Florida February 1984